Our vision is to bring you news that you can use that is relevant to your life. News "By the people & for the people" we don't & won't have big money advertisers & we are not "owned" by some big news affiliate so we can get a story out without someone else telling us what to write. We are community activists who are fighting for change in Washington State.

If you have a news story or tip you'd like to share please email us at:

Donations, Documents, & story tips can be sent via snail mail to: 11822 25th Ave So. Seattle Wa 98168

 Brandia's Corner @ Snohomish County Corruption

 This site deals with the ongoing corruption that is so rampant in our state, our focus is primarily on Snohomish County but we will report on any wrongdoing we find in any part of the state.

Anne's Corner @ the Gold Bar Reporter

As expected this site deals with corruption in Gold Bar Wa but it has ballooned to encompass many areas of the state's govt including the Washington State Bar Association.


The only people who get upset with you for telling the truth are the people who are living a lie. So keep telling the truth & it will set you free from their disease

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Bill's Corner @ Corrupt Washington

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